Saturday 5 May 2012


It was just yesterday that we had decided on the menu
A beautiful wedding it would have been
And then it happened so fast, just like a dream
I denied it till today, today I woke up alone
I woke up alone on our mahogany bed when it finally sunk in
That the glass did shatter ripping away your very existence
That the shards did pierce right into your heart leaving me to mend mine
That I shall be walking into the horizon without you by my side
That the right side of the bed shall always remain cold and empty
That the world had one less heartbeat
Its like my life is being pulled out of a freezer
Well preserved but yet to thaw
As if i am yet to embrace the warmth of life
Yes, I am broken, beyond repair
I am left alone in the space we created together
But i shall get through, your memories shall help me get through
You shall be preserved in ink
Maybe with time my wounds shall heal
Maybe with time I shall find a new path
Maybe with time I shall build up a new life
As I arise from my dark abyss
You must arise from the ashes
For you are my Phoenix, you can never be gone
And I shall love you till the end of eternity


  1. WOW. *wobbly hypnotized eyes*
    That's like the BEST first blog post I've ever read!

    Well you surely made the thumping impact. Slow poison, if I may call it so!

    Keep at it! :D

  2. says the winner of i dunno how many blog contests...truly honored!
    thank you..:)

  3. smashing debut i must say di!! i loved this one especially the line-"That the world had one less heartbeat" it hit me with a bang. wonderfully expressed :) waiting for more!

  4. .i knew u culd write bt dis is really differnt....well done...:)

  5. Pune lost and you debuted !! And in my eyes, you wrote a matchwinner :D

    Superb ! I just loved your optimism, description and the reference to one of the most thought of creatures - the Phoenix !!

    Keep blogging and do count me as your regular.....though I'm a bit lazy at commenting :P

    1. thanks a bunch!!!ah i will glad dat u read :)

    2. :D I Will I Will

      That's a Green Mota Promise !!

  6. Eternal love wrapped in optimism.....mind blowing Jush...always had an idea that u can write....but never knew you were this good.....would love to read more....RISHABH

  7. thats kind..:)..i was worried the first postand all m glad you liked it..:) thank you so much rishab

  8. Nice poem but I hate you jushmita

  9. And from the fire laments the wailing bird.
    Of golden plumes and scarlet wings.
    The majesty soars heavenwards with pride and ire.
    And the ink on her body scatters everywhere.
    To fall like stars on the inky black sky.

    You have now laid the foundation for many pieces of beauty to come. This could not have been better. All the best to your blogging, Phoenix. :-)

    1. you just made it better!
      beautiful lines...and thank you..:)

  10. WOW! I haven't read your pieces before. You should have started blogging long back...this is FANTASTIC! Love it so much!
    And welcome to blogging Jush di :)
